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Regularization and Covariance
A Working Group in High Dimensional Inference and Random Matrices


Group Leaders: Peter Bickel, Eitan Greenshtein, Debashis Paul, Noureddine El Karoui

Webmasters: Debashis Paul and Noureddine El Karoui

Password Protected Site (future)




Meeting Time: Friday, 11:00-1:00, (teleconference 1:00-3:00)
Location: NISS building, Room 203


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Recome access to the meeting via teleconference line

  • Dial 919-685-9338
  • Please dial no earlier than 5 minutes prior to working group meeting.
  • If you are having trouble with WebEx or the Teleconference line please call (919)685-9350

Meeting Activities

Suggested reading materials

Date Topics & Readings Notes
September 21, 2006


  • Use of banding as a form of regularization
  • Identification and estimation of graphical structures
  • Penalized likelihood approach : choice of penalty; optimization method
  • Models for correlation matrices in finance and estimation techniques

Suggested reading materials

September 29, 2006


  • Tutorial by Eitan Greenshtein : [Handout]
    • Concept of persistence in high dimensional problems
    • Regularization for optimizing a quadratic form involving covariance matrix

Suggested reading materials

October 6, 2006


  • Tutorial by Debashis Paul : Functional linear regression, factor models and estimation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors : [Outline], [ Board slides ]

Suggested reading materials

Thomas Guhr's talks in the Berkeley node seminar :
October 13, 2006


October 20, 2006


  • Penalized likelihood for Gaussian graphical models with L_1 penalty
  • Optimization problems - Maxdet algorithm
  • Tapering and its effect on covariance matrices for stationary processes

Suggested reading materials

October 27, 2006


November 3, 2006

Suggested reading materials

November 10, 2006


  • Issue of stability in model selection for high dimensional problems

Suggested reading materials

  • Breiman, L. (1996) : Heuristics of instability and stabilization in model selection, Annals of Statistics 24 , 2350-2383.
  • Greg Rempala's talk : Symmetric functionals on random matrices and matchings in bipartite random graphs [Abstract] , [Slides]
November 17, 2006 NO GROUP MEETING
November 22, 2006


  • Regularization and stability of estimates

Suggested reading materials

December 1, 2006

Suggested reading materials

December 8, 2006

Group Members

Name Affiliation Email Address
Jeongyoun Ahn Univ. of Georgia jyahn (at) uga.edu
Peter Bickel UC-Berkeley bickel (at) stat.berkeley.edu
Hungyuan Cao UNC hycao (at) email.unc.edu
Carlos Carvalho Duke carlos (at) stat.duke.edu
Noureddine El Karoui UC-Berkeley nkaroui (at) stat.berkeley.edu
Jianqing Fan Princeton jqfan (at) princeton.edu
Eitan Greenshtein SAMSI eitan.greenshtein (at) gmail.com
Thomas Guhr Lund Inst. of Technology Thomas.Guhr (at) matfys.lth.se
Serge Guillas Georgia Tech guillas (at) math.gatech.edu
Xiaoming Huo Georgia Tech xiaoming (at) isye.gatech.edu
Iain Johnstone Stanford imj (at) stanford.edu
Cari Kaufman SAMSI cgk (at) samsi.info
Stas Kolenikov Univ. of Missouri kolenikovs (at) missouri.edu
Liza Levina Univ. of Michigan elevina (at) umich.edu
Lexin Li N.C. State li (at) stat.ncsu.edu
Xiaodong Lin UC linxd (at) math.uc.edu
Peng Liu N.C. State pliu3 (at) ncsu.edu
Yufeng Liu UNC yfliu (at) email.unc.edu
Jinchi Lv Princeton jlv (at) princeton.edu
Helene Massam York University massamh (at) yorku.ca
Boaz Nadler Weizmann Institute boaz.nadler (at) weizmann.ac.il
Debashis Paul UC-Davis debashis (at) wald.ucdavis.edu
Jie Peng UC-Davis jie (at) wald.ucdavis.edu
Mohsen Pourahmadi pourahm (at) math.niu.edu
Xingye Qiao UNC xyqiao (at) email.unc.edu
Bala Rajaratnam SAMSI br62 (at) samsi.info
Raj Rao MIT raj (at) mit.edu
Haipeng Shen UNC haipeng (at) email.unc.edu
Makram Talih Hunter College talih (at) math.hunter.cuny.edu
Young Truong UNC truong (at) bios.unc.edu
Yichao Wu Princeton yichaowu (at) princeton.edu
Ming Yuan Georgia Tech myuan (at) isye.gatech.edu
Ofer Zeitouni Univ. of Minnesota zeitouni (at) math.umn.edu
Woncheol Jang Univ. of Georgia jang (at) uga.edu
Yufan Zhao UNC yufanz (at) email.unc.edu
Ji Zhu Univ. of Michigan jizhu (at) umich.edu
Zhengyuan Zhu UNC zhuz (at) email.unc.edu



Send your comments about this site to: Debashis Paul