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Environmental Modelling Course
Spring 2007


R scripts for aquatic ecosystem modelling:

Didactic Ecosystem Models:

Section 8.1: Lake Phytoplankton Model: didacticmodel_lakephyto.r

Section 8.2: Lake Phyto- and Zooplankton Model: didacticmodel_lakeplankton.r

Section 8.3: Two Box Oxygen and Phosphorus Lake Model: didacticmodel_lakeoxygenphosphorus.r

Section 8.4: Model of the Biogeochemical Cycles in a Lake: didacticmodel_lakebiogeochem.r

Section 8.5: Oxygen and Nutrient Household Model of a River: didacticmodel_rivernutrients.r

Section 8.6: Benthic Population Model of a River: didacticmodel_riverbenthos.r


Required Libraries:

stoichcalc.r, ecosim.r, ode.r


Terrestrial Ecosystem Modelling

Challenges of (terrestrial) ecosystem modeling

Terrestrial models at intermediate scales

Dynamic control of sensor networks with inferential ecosystem models


Environmental Decision Support

Bayesian networks for inference and decision in water quality assessment









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